Azure secrets content mask for presentations and screen recordings

Create Azure article is not a problem, we can take a screenshot and mask using a paint application or other tools, but while doing Live presentation or screen recording is a big challenge, there was a security problem. Subscription ID, email addresses, keys etc are visible on a big screen or visible in the session recordings afterwards. Microsoft shared google chrome and Firefox browser add-on for mask azure secure content.

Azure secrets content mask for presentations and screen recordings

Azure Mask Features 

The following feature available in the Azure mast extensions
  • Blurs Username, Key
  • Blurs GUIDs (such as Subscription IDs)
  • Blurs your account email and Secure content
  • Hides the "Report a Bug" button (if found)

Installing the chrome Extension 

Microsoft currently not published in the Chrome Web Store. You can download release version and add manually into the chrome extension as per below steps.

Step 1: Download Latest .crx file.

Step 2: Go to Chrome browser and select the extensions.

Step 3: Make sure the "Developer mode” is enabled.

Step 4: Drag the .crx file to your Chrome window that has the extensions view open

Step 5: Confirm any prompts 

Azure secrets content mask for presentations and screen recordings

You have successfully added chrome extensions, let we continue and see, How it's working, In the browser near to address bar Azure mask icon will be there, Just do toggle for mask.

Azure secrets content mask for presentations and screen recordings

You can log in to azure Portal and see all the sensitive information is blurred like Subscription IDs and user ID like below.

Azure secrets content mask for presentations and screen recordings


I hope this article gave you some value and This is a fantastic tool which saves you a lot of time and makes your presentations more secure. Please leave your feedback/query using the comments box, and if you like this article, please share it with your friends.


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