Power Virtual Agents are an easily created powerful bot and no-code graphical interface without the need for data scientists or developers. It eliminates the gap between the subject matter experts and the development teams building the bots and it minimizes the IT effort required to deploy and maintain a custom conversational solution. In my previous article you learned how to set up and quick overview about power virtual agents.

In this article you will learn more about how you can customize the bot conversation messages. User conversation message called as “Topic” in Power virtual agents. A topic has trigger phrases - these are phrases, keywords, or questions that a user is likely to type that is related to a specific issue - and conversation nodes - these are what you use to define how a bot should respond and what it should do and you can maintain up to 1000 topics in a Bot.

In this article you will learn more about how you can customize the bot conversation messages. User conversation message called as “Topic” in Power virtual agents. A topic has trigger phrases - these are phrases, keywords, or questions that a user is likely to type that is related to a specific issue - and conversation nodes - these are what you use to define how a bot should respond and what it should do and you can maintain up to 1000 topics in a Bot.

User and System Topic

Once again remind you, before reading this article, You can follow my previous article to learn more about setup and create the first Power Virtual agent Bot application. 

When you have successfully create bot applications, you are able to see a number of topics will be created automatically and also you can see how the bot conversation works in practice by testing it in the Test bot pane. For example, a user might type “I want a Business Laptop" into your bot. The AI will recommend the Business Laptop and request you to confirm adding to the cart. Bot will suggest you provide “Yes” or “No”.

Power Virtual Agents: customize the bot conversation messages

There are two topics the category system will generate. You can refer and learn the topic, how you need to implement it for your business use case.

User Topics Category you will find Four pre-populated User Topics that are titled as lessons. These lesson topics can be used to help understand, simple to complex ways of using nodes to create bot conversations.

System Topics is reusable topics like greeting, Say goodbye like that. These are pre-populated topics that you are likely to need during a bot conversation.

Create New Topic

You can create your own topic and maintain up to 1000 topics in a Bot.

Step 1: Go to the Topics tab on the side navigation pane to open the topics page.

Step 2: on the Topic page, Select the New Topic option on the top navigation pane.

Power Virtual Agents: customize the bot conversation messages

Step 3: Provide a topic name, description, and one or more trigger phrases for the topic by clicking on Add button.

Power Virtual Agents: customize the bot conversation messages

Go to Authoring Canvas

Click on Save Topic options on the right corner on the Topics page. Once click on Save topic, you will get the error and asking you to set Authoring Canvas

Power Virtual Agents: customize the bot conversation messages

Power Virtual Agents open the topic in the authoring canvas and displays the topic's trigger phrases. The authoring canvas is where you define the conversation path between a customer and the bot, message Edit text box having styling feature, add and change the text font style and hyperlink

Power Virtual Agents: customize the bot conversation messages

Build and Save Topic

Once you have done the changes, Click on Topic Checker. Topic checker will show you if there are any errors or warnings in the topic. If there's no error, Click on Save options.

Power Virtual Agents: customize the bot conversation messages

Test Bot Application

You're now ready to test your bot. You will test your bot using the built-in Power virtual agent bot Emulator. You can provide user input, which we created a topic say “Can you suggest a Microsoft AI Learning Blog” and Bot will reply to the triggered message.

Power Virtual Agents: customize the bot conversation messages


Power Virtual Agents: customize the bot conversation messages

You have successfully created topics and run the application in the power virtual agent. I hope you have enjoyed learning about the Power virtual agent bot. If you have any questions/feedback/issues, please write them in the comment box.

Microsoft introduced a new approach to help learners stay current, those who have an Microsoft active certificate and are expiring within six month can renew their certification annually at no cost, no renewal exam and only you have to do a Microsoft learn assessment to refresh your skill.

Renew your Microsoft Certification

The renewal assessment is available only on Microsoft Learn once you’re eligible approximately six months before your certification expires and you will receive an email notification from Microsoft for when the renewal assessment is available in your exam.

Your certification profile should enable you to take the renewal assessment on Microsoft learn when you are within eligibility window and also keep same account for both your certification profile can be connected to Microsoft learn

Renew your Microsoft Certification

How to Extend Certificate Expire date

You will be able to renew your role-based and specialty certifications by passing a free renewal assessment on Microsoft Learn. You can follow the below steps for renew your Microsoft certification exam

Step 1: Check is it any available exam for ready for renew in Microsoft certification Dashboard

Step 2: Ensure your certification profile is connected to Microsoft Learn, if you are using same user credentials, it may connected automatically otherwise connect with Microsoft support team using MS forum

Step 3: You will get email alert, if any assessment that will be available on Microsoft learn.

Step 4: You may retake the assessment as many times as you need to take it to pass, and you must pass before your certification expires.

Step 5: When you pass the online assessment, your certification will be extended by the one additional year from the current expiration date.

keep continue Lean . ..To learn more you can visit the official announcement here.


The Passwords and Security Codes (OTP) are a modern necessity required for security and privacy but initially iOS does not support auto read feature. iOS 12 eases the tedious aspects of account setup and sign-in by automatically suggesting and using strong, unique passwords and by bringing one-time password to the QuickType bar so users can fill them with one tap. Here we’ll learn how to implement autofill OTP in your app using Xamarin Forms .

Automatic OTP verification in iOS using Xamarin Forms

Message Format Rules

Security code is only work with System keyboard. So, avoid using custom keyboard.
Make sure OTP message phrase has “code” or “passcode” and message is copy.

Create New Xamarin Forms Application

In order to implement Autofill OTP message, let’s start creating a new Xamarin.Forms project using Visual Studio 2019 or VS mac. When accessing Visual Studio 2019 mac for the first time, you will come across a new interface for opening a creating the projects.

Open Visual Studio Mac >>Create New Project or select open recent application.

Automatic OTP verification in iOS

The available templates will appear on a mac like below. Select Xamarin.Forms application with different mobile platforms.

Automatic OTP verification in iOS

Custom Control

One time code type available only specific to iOS device, not in Android, so create a Xamarin.Forms custom Entry control in the .NET Standard library project, enabling developers to override the default native rendering with their own platform-specific customization.

using System;

using Xamarin.Forms;

namespace ReadOTPIOS


public class AutoFillControl : Entry


public AutoFillControl()





UI Design

The AutoFillControl control can be referenced in XAML in the .NET Standard library project by declaring a namespace for its location and using the namespace prefix on the control element. The following code example shows how the AutoFillControl control can be consumed by a XAML page:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<ContentPage xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"


xmlns:local="clr-namespace:ReadOTPIOS" x:Class="ReadOTPIOS.MainPage"


<StackLayout Orientation="Horizontal">




Text="Welcome to iOS 12 Read and Autofill OTP from SMS using Xamarin Forms" />





Placeholder="XXXXXX" />



IOS Renderer

The following code example shows the custom renderer for the iOS platform. The call to the base class's OnElementChanged method instantiates an iOS UITextField control, with a reference to the control being assigned to the renderer's Control property.

To enable password autofill on a UITextField we need to set the UItextContentTypeproperty as a OneTimeCode.

using ReadOTPIOS;

using ReadOTPIOS.iOS;

using UIKit;

[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(AutoFillControl), typeof(AutoFillRenderer))]

namespace ReadOTPIOS.iOS


public class AutoFillRenderer: EntryRenderer


protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<Entry> e)



if (e.NewElement != null)


Control.TextContentType = UITextContentType.OneTimeCode;





The application source code available in Github. IOS simulator won’t allow to send messages, so let you try and deploy applications to IOS device and send a message to device for testing.

Automatic OTP verification in iOS


This article has demonstrated how to create a Read and Autofill OTP from SMS using Xamarin Forms Entry control. I hope this article will help you. Please leave your feedback/query using the comments box, and if you like this article, please share it with your friends.

Azure AD is cloud-based identity and access management service, which helps employees to sign in and access company resources such as Microsoft 365, the Azure portal, and thousands of other SaaS applications. AZURE AD will provide different below feature
  1. Employee admin can enable Azure AD to require multi-factor authentication when accessing important organizational resources. you can use Azure AD to automate user provisioning between your existing Windows Server AD and your cloud apps, including Microsoft 365.
  2. Company has any enterprise application which provide related company information, timesheet app, employee inventory management app like that company can develop any application which allow only company users to access using Azure AD as a standards-based approach for adding single sign-on (SSO) and allowing it to work with a user's pre-existing credentials and no need add any other registration or login screen for your application.

Azure Active Directory(AD) with Custom domain

Create new tenant

  1. Login to personal / organization Azure portal https://portal.azure.com
  2. Create new Resource menu having “Azure Active Directory” as like below and click on Azure Active Directory

On Create a tenant page, click on “create active directory

On the create a tenant confirmation as information below
  1. Organization name - you can provide here as your organization name
  2. Initial domain name – provide here as your initial domain name
  3. Country/ Region – provide your county name.

Azure Active Directory(AD) with Custom domain

You will get new screen for review and confirmation tenant creation, after validation you will get initial domain as like this <your domain name>.onmicrosoft.com, example MSDEVJS.onmicrosoft.com

Azure Active Directory(AD) with Custom domain

Tenant creation is in progress and it will take a few minutes for get confirmation

Azure Active Directory(AD) with Custom domain

Your new tenant is created with the domain MSDEVJS.onmicrosoft.com.

Setup Custom Domain Name

You have successfully created new Azure AD tenant with default Microsoft sub domain, you can’t change Microsoft default sub domain, but you add you company custom domain, it will help you to create email and access Microsoft app with your domain name.

Step 1: Select option as a Custom Domain

Step 2: Click on Add custom domain in menu options

Azure Active Directory(AD) with Custom domain

In Custom domain name, enter your organization's new name, in this example, devenvexe.com. Select Add domain

Azure Active Directory(AD) with Custom domain

You must add universal domain extension like .in, .com, etc . devenvexe.com page appears showing your DNS information. Save this information. You need provide a TXT or MX record to configure DNS.

Azure Active Directory(AD) with Custom domain

After you add your custom domain name to Azure AD, you must return to your domain registrar provider and add the Azure AD DNS information from your copied TXT file. Creating this TXT record for your domain verifies ownership of your domain name.

Go back to your domain registrar and we have register domain in big rock and create a new TXT record for your domain based on your copied DNS information. Set the time to live (TTL) to 3600 seconds (60 minutes), and then add the record.

Azure Active Directory(AD) with Custom domain

After you add your custom domain name, make sure it is valid in Azure AD. The domain registrar to Azure AD can be taking a few days, depending on your domain registrar.


In this article, you learned about, Create a new tenant with Custom domain in Azure Active Directory. If you have any questions/ feedback/ issues, please write in the comment box.
Microsoft Azure services are available in 53 regions around the world, with plans announced for 7 additional regions and 140+ available country. Select Azure region is more important to setup the cloud environment, this gives you the flexibility to bring applications closer to your users no matter where they are. It also provides better scalability, redundancy, and preserves data residency for your services.
Understanding about Azure Region, Geographies, Availability Zones and Region Pairs
Azure region
A region is a geographical area on the planet containing at least one, but potentially multiple datacenters that are nearby and networked together with a low-latency network. Azure intelligently assigns and controls the resources within each region to ensure workloads are appropriately balanced.

When you deploy a resource in Azure, you will often need to choose the region where you want your resource deployed. Region A set of datacenters deployed within a latency-defined perimeter and connected through a dedicated regional low-latency network.

Geographies in Azure
Azure divides the world into geographies that are defined by geopolitical boundaries or country borders. An Azure geography is a discrete market typically containing two or more regions that preserve data residency and compliance boundaries. 

This division has several benefits.
  • Geographies allow customers with specific data residency and compliance needs to keep their data and applications close.
  • Geographies ensure that data residency, sovereignty, compliance, and resiliency requirements are honored within geographical boundaries.
  • Geographies are fault-tolerant to withstand complete region failure through their connection to dedicated high-capacity networking infrastructure.
Availability Zones
Availability Zones are physically separate datacenters within an Azure region.Each Availability Zone is made up of one or more datacenters equipped with independent power, cooling, and networking. It is set up to be an isolation boundary. If one zone goes down, the other continues working. Availability Zones are connected through high-speed, private fiber-optic networks.

Azure Availability Zones

Region Pairs
Each Azure region is always paired with another region within the same geography (such as US, Europe, or Asia) at least 300 miles away. This approach allows for the replication of resources (such as virtual machine storage) across a geography that helps reduce the likelihood of interruptions due to events such as natural disasters, civil unrest, power outages, or physical network outages affecting both regions at once. If a region in a pair was affected by a natural disaster, for instance, services would automatically fail over to the other region in its region pair.Examples of region pairs in Azure are West US paired with East US, and SouthEast Asia paired with East Asia.

Azure Region Pairs
Power Virtual Agents is an easy to create, powerful bot with a no-code graphical interface. This means there isn't necessarily a need for data scientists or developers. It eliminates the gap between the subject matter experts and the development teams building the bots and it minimizes the IT effort required to deploy and maintain a custom conversational solution.

Building a FAQ bot using Power Virtual Agents

Every Business has their own website with a FAQ page, so you can use support questions from your existing web pages when you are creating a Power virtual agent bot, it will help you to create your support Bot within 5 min. You don’t want to copy and paste or manually re-creating same content. You can use AI agents assisted authority to automatically extract and create a relevant suggested topic from your FAQ pages. Microsoft made this sequence of work as a very simple easy steps, you can follow the steps below and create your own FAQ business chat Bot.

Building a FAQ bot using Power Virtual Agents

Setup Power Virtual Agents

Power Virtual Agents is a software-as-a-service (SaaS). It allows you to easily sign up, create your bot, and embed it into your website and integrate it to the different channels with just a few clicks. There’s no infrastructure to maintain or complex systems to deploy. Provide your work school account email id and click on Sign up /Sign in.

Building a FAQ bot using Power Virtual Agents

After click on Sign up/ sign in, you will get the following screen asking you to set your Bot name. Provide the relevant your business bot name.

Building a FAQ bot using Power Virtual Agents

You need to make sure there are three main steps need to do while doing import FAQ and add the topic to your bot application.
  • Import Suggested Topics from FAQ webpage
  • Add a topic.
  • Enable the topics

Import FAQ content

You can follow below steps for import topic messages from your FAQ web page

Step 1: Go to the Topics tab on the side navigation pane to open the topics page.

Step 2: on the Topic page, Select the Suggested Topics option on the top navigation pane/ suggested tab button.

Building a FAQ bot using Power Virtual Agents

Extract FAQ Topics

You are not imported any suggestions topic before, the list of suggested topics will be blank. A link to Get started or Learn more appears instead.

Building a FAQ bot using Power Virtual Agents

  • The following screen will appear after clicking on “Get Started”.
  • You can add multiple webpages at the same time, but Microsoft recommends that you include only a few at a time to keep the list of suggestions manageable.
  • You can make sure your webpage should be secure with SSL (https://)
  • If you added a page by mistake, you could select the Delete option before click on start.

Building a FAQ bot using Power Virtual Agents

When you're done adding pages, select Start. The process can take several minutes, depending on the complexity and number of webpages you added. The message "Getting your suggestions. This may take several minutes" appears at the top of the screen while the extraction is in progress.

Building a FAQ bot using Power Virtual Agents

After you've successfully extracted content, a number of suggestions will appear. Here, we have added MVP Summit FAQ URL, it’s extracted all the FAQ around 48 FAQ extracted and displaying in the suggested topic, you can now review these suggestions to see what you need add to your bot

After adding, you need to do two more steps to complete the process but if you try to test the application, after the suggested topic, you wont get those topic questions from the suggestion, Bot will reply the message “ Sorry I am not able to find a related topic“ .

Building a FAQ bot using Power Virtual Agents

Add a Topics

The import process has been completed, the topic suggestions appear on the Suggested tab. You can just add suggestions without reviewing but best approach was review them individually like below to decide which ones you want to include in your bot.

Step 1: Select the Name of Suggestions from Suggestion tab.

Step 2: You can also add or delete multiple topic suggestions at a time. If you select multiple rows from the suggestions tab, you'll see options to Add to topic or Delete.

Step 3: Let Start review the suggestion and every topic end of the conversion will display Survey topic questions like “ Did that answered the question” and the user can reply message “ Yes “ or “No” based on that conversation will continue, if you don’t want to display the conversation survey, you can remove anytime .

Step 4: You can edit Trigger phases, which users ask questions and edit answered messages, which bot will reply to the user.

Step 5: You can press on “Add to the Topic”, after your review suggestion topic

Step 6: Suggestion topic is not relevant or duplicate, you can press delete suggestion for remove the topic.

Building a FAQ bot using Power Virtual Agents

Once you click on Add to topic, you will get a confirmation message saying, your FAQ topic was added to existing topics.

Building a FAQ bot using Power Virtual Agents

Enable the topics

Suggested topics are added to the Existing tab with their status set to Off. This way, topics won't be prematurely added to your bot, so you can follow the below steps to enable the topic.

Step 1: Select Topics on the side navigation pane.

Step 2: Go to the Existing tab.

Step 3: For each topic you want to enable, turn on the toggle under Status.

Building a FAQ bot using Power Virtual Agents

Test Your Bot Application

You're now ready to test your bot. You will test your bot using the built-in Power virtual agent bot Emulator. Start giving the user Input, which you reviewed and enabled topic and refer below image, how to Trigger phase and message sync with user reply.


Building a FAQ bot using Power Virtual Agents

You have successfully done the import FAQ page in the power virtual agent. I hope you have enjoyed learning about Power virtual agent bot. you can also read my previous power virtual agent articles.
  1. Build a Microsoft Bot Application With Power Virtual Agents
  2. Customize the Bot Conversation Message With Power Virtual Agent
If you have any questions/feedback/issues, please write them in the comment box.
I am happy to share with you that I Just received the email confirmation saying I am becoming a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT). I am very happy to be part world biggest learning MCT community.

Suthahar Become a Microsoft Certified Trainer 2020

“Microsoft Certified Trainers (MCTs) are the premier technical and instructional experts in Microsoft technologies. Join this exclusive group of worldwide Microsoft technical training professionals and reap the benefits of MCT training certification and membership” I have received emails with MCT program benefits . If you are interested in becoming an MCT, please review the MCT Program Guide and the MCT Program Agreement to understand the terms of membership.

Suthahar Become a Microsoft Certified Trainer 2020

Power Virtual Agents are an easily created powerful bot and no-code graphical interface without the need for data scientists or developers. It eliminates the gap between the subject matter experts and the development teams building the bots and it minimizes the IT effort required to deploy and maintain a custom conversational solution. In my previous article you learned how to set up and quick overview about power virtual agents.

In this article you will learn more about how you can customize the bot conversation messages. User conversation message called as “Topic” in Power virtual agents. A topic has trigger phrases - these are phrases, keywords, or questions that a user is likely to type that is related to a specific issue - and conversation nodes - these are what you use to define how a bot should respond and what it should do and you can maintain up to 1000 topics in a Bot.

User and System Topic

Once again remind you, before reading this article, You can follow my previous article to learn more about setup and create the first Power Virtual agent Bot application.

When you have successfully create bot applications, you are able to see a number of topics will be created automatically and also you can see how the bot conversation works in practice by testing it in the Test bot pane. For example, a user might type “I want a Business Laptop" into your bot. The AI will recommend the Business Laptop and request you to confirm adding to the cart. Bot will suggest you provide “Yes” or “No”.

There are two topics the category system will generate. You can refer and learn the topic, how you need to implement it for your business use case.

User Topics Category you will find Four pre-populated User Topics that are titled as lessons. These lesson topics can be used to help understand, simple to complex ways of using nodes to create bot conversations.

System Topics is reusable topics like greeting, Say goodbye like that. These are pre-populated topics that you are likely to need during a bot conversation.

Create New Topic

You can create your own topic and maintain up to 1000 topics in a Bot.

Step 1: Go to the Topics tab on the side navigation pane to open the topics page.

Step 2: on the Topic page, Select the New Topic option on the top navigation pane.

Step 3: Provide a topic name, description, and one or more trigger phrases for the topic by clicking on Add button.

Go to Authoring Canvas

Click on Save Topic options on the right corner on the Topics page. Once click on Save topic, you will get the error and asking you to set Authoring Canvas

Power Virtual Agents open the topic in the authoring canvas and displays the topic's trigger phrases. The authoring canvas is where you define the conversation path between a customer and the bot, message Edit text box having styling feature, add and change the text font style and hyperlink

Build and Save Topic

Once you have done the changes, Click on Topic Checker. Topic checker will show you if there are any errors or warnings in the topic. If there's no error, Click on Save options.

Test Bot Application

You're now ready to test your bot. You will test your bot using the built-in Power virtual agent bot Emulator. You can provide user input, which we created a topic say “Can you suggest a Microsoft AI Learning Blog” and Bot will reply to the triggered message.


You have successfully created topics and run the application in the power virtual agent. I hope you have enjoyed learning about the Power virtual agent bot. If you have any questions/feedback/issues, please write them in the comment box.

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