C# 6.0 New Feature

C# 6.0 New Feature

How to get C# Updated Version?
Two ways we can update C# 6.0
Updated Visual Studio into VS 2014
Installing Roslyn Package in VS 2013

$ Sign :

Its simplify String indexing


var value = new Dictionary() {
// using inside the initialize
$first = "Nikhil"

Assign value to member

C# 5.0
 C# 6.0
Value[first] =”Nikhile”
Value. $first = “Nikhil”

Exception Filters:

Exception filter already support in Vb.net now C#.net as well start to support .Exception filter is nothing but in catch block we can specify If Condition.
IF condition is fail inside catch block statement it won’t execute.

         C# 5.0
 C# 6.0
            {       }
            catch (Exception ex)
            {       }

  Try  {
     throw new Exception("Null Error");
catch (Exception ex) if (ex.Message == " IndexError")
                // this one will not execute.
            catch (Exception ex) if (ex.Message == " Null Error ")
             // this one will execute

await in Catch block and finally block :

Previous version C# not support await keyword in catchblock and finally block ,Now in c# 6.0 start supporting

         C# 5.0
 C# 6.0

            catch (Exception)
             //Its not Support here
                await LogService.LogAsync(ex);

            catch (Exception)
               // New feature it will support
                await LogService.LogAsync(ex);

Declaration Expression:

This feature allows you to declare local variable in the middle of an expression. It is as simple as that but really destroys a pain.

         C# 5.0
 C# 6.0
Int  Qty;
Int.TryParse(txtnumber.Text, out Qty)

Int.TryParse(txtnumber.Text, Int out Qty)

Auto Property Initialize:

In C# 6.0 added new feature called auto propertyinitialize like below

public class Person
// You can use this feature on both
//getter only and setter / getter only properties
public string FirstName { get; set; } = "Nikhil";
public string LastName { get; } = "Jagathesh";

Primary constructors:

A primary constructor allows us to define a constructor for a type and capture the constructor parameters to use in initialization expressions throughout the rest of the type definition. Here’s one 

simple example:

//this is primary constructor

public Class Money(string currency, decimal amount)
public string Currency { get; } = currency;
public decimal Amount { get; } = amount;

Dictionary Initialize:

         C# 5.0
 C# 6.0
Dictionary country = new Dictionary()
                { "India", "TN" },
                { "United States", "Washington" },
                { "Some Country", "Some Capital " }
Dictionary country = new Dictionary()
                // Look at this!
                ["Afghanistan"] = "Kabul",
                ["Iran"] = "Tehran",
                ["India"] = "Delhi"

Null-Conditional Operator

This is an exception that almost always indicates a bug because the developer didn’t perform sufficient null checking before invoking a member on a (null) object.

Look below new feature very interesting

         C# 5.0
 C# 6.0
public static string Truncate(string value, int length)
  string result = value;
//this pain work for us
  if (value != null) // Skip empty string check for elucidation
    result = value.Substring(0, Math.Min(value.Length, length));
  return result;
public static string Truncate(string value, int length)
  return value?.Substring(0, Math.Min(value.Length, length));


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