WCF Programming Model

Disadvatage :
Another disadvantage is
WCF Programming Model:
WCF serviceService it is a class written in a .net language which have some method.service have one or more endpoint
Endpoint means communicate with client.end point have 3 parts 'ABC':
· 'A' for Address,
· 'B' for Binding
· 'C' for Contracts.
Address(WHERE): Address specifies the info about where to find the service.
Binding(HOW): Binding specifies the info for how to interact with the service.
Contracts(What): Contracts specifies the info for how the service is implemented and what it offers.
· 'B' for Binding
· 'C' for Contracts.
Address(WHERE): Address specifies the info about where to find the service.
Binding(HOW): Binding specifies the info for how to interact with the service.
Contracts(What): Contracts specifies the info for how the service is implemented and what it offers.